
Thursday 14 November 2013

6 tips to make your Emails sell

An exercise delegates find very helpful on courses is to email a sales email to me. For example the sort of email that follows up a sales meeting with a buyer is a good example.

The next morning the course looks at my  unopened in box as a customer would. The first thing that becomes apparent is that what you write in the subject box is critical.

It needs to stand out from the mass of  and other selling emails and internal emails.

            Tip 1 – Make the Subject Box ‘Sing’

Your Subject Box needs to be meaningful, clear and succinct for your reader.

 Make sure to include a key word that the buyer or their colleague is likely to use as a when searching

 e.g.Your Company name, Product, Problem or Issue to be solved.

Some find the use of <chevrons>  helps to make words stand out. Clearly it is not advisable to overuse this technique.

Tip 2 – Tie in others involved in the decision making process

Copy in other decision influencers and makers

Tip 3 – Use a business related conversational tone

Address them as they address you. First name or Title

Tip 4 - KISS

Keep your email brief

Keep It Simple Salesperson

Tip 5 – Motivate your reader

Check whether your email attracts attention, stimulates interest, creates desire and asks for an action of the recipient.


Tip 6 – Make it easy on the eye

If there is a more than half a page/ screen of text consider using  an attachment but have some action point in the body of your email referring to specifics in the attachment.

If you are out and about with your smart phone and

you want tapas sized selling tips to go

,drop into the "The Tapas Bar".

Each post in the "The Tapas Bar" is less than 250 words.

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, Westfield, West London @tapasrevolution

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